Day 71: Favorite Western Movie


A few years back I put together a list of my favorite westerns. I even put them in order from 10 to 1. Since the creation of that list -- while I believe none of them have been kicked off -- the order has most likely been rearranged. Strictly holding myself to the rules that I've put in place (because I'm that dork), I already placed my truly favorite western, Silverado,  in Day 16.

So initially you would think I'd then go with number two. But that's not the case here. I chose Tombstone over The Good, the Bad and the Ugly for the simple fact that while I love Sergio Leone's epic spaghetti western with all my heart, I have to be in the mood to watch it (I recently had this revelation not too long ago). Tombstone, on the other hand, I can watch anytime. Pop it into the DVD player -- or come across it while flipping channels -- and I'm stuck to couch for the next two hours. So, for that reason alone, is why it has reached the pinnacle of this category today.


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