Day 43: Favorite Documentary Film


This category was difficult. There's always too many political or social commentary documentaries out there, along with the really good behind-the-scenes filmmaking ones as well. I chose King of Kong because it was neither. It just follows an ordinary guy, Steve Wiebe, as he attempts to beat the world record high score of Donkey Kong from reigning champ Billy Mitchell.

Apparently Donkey Kong -- according to most critics and experts -- is one of the most difficult arcade games ever created. This film puts you in Steve Wiebe's shoes, as you tag along on his journey as the underdog in the competitive world of classic arcade game rivalry that still exists today.

"I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs. I play video games, which I think is a far superior addiction to any of those other ones."

Thanks to Youtube, you can watch the ENTIRE film right here:


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