
Showing posts from January, 2014

Less Television, More Reading

Well, it's that time of year again. That time of year when people start to make resolutions or changes in their lives. Apparently I'm no different, except for the fact that this year my challenge isn't going to involve either a diet that's too difficult to consistently follow or a workout regiment that I will fail to comply precisely 9 days later (and that's being generous). My story began last summer, when my wife and I decided to increase our monthly expenditure for cable/internet -- upgrading from crappy Comcast to glorious AT&T U-verse. However, just a few months into our special price plan and I began to feel that we were spending too much money for extra channels we rarely watched, all while spending equal (if not more) time still watching shows and movies on Netflix. The advent of streaming subscriptions and being able to pick and choose what I want to watch , discover unknown gems, or being able to binge-watch entire series in a matter of days or wee