
Showing posts from February, 2015

ReBONDing: The Dalton Years

Reevaluating the Dalton Era (1987 - 1989) When we last left James Bond he had successfully scaled the "cliffs of mediocrity." While each of his four films had made more money than the last, Brosnan failed to make an indelible mark on most viewers... James Bond films were an institution growing up in my house. Regardless of whether some elements were a bit risqué, I was never denied the ability to watch them as a child. These movies -- while filled with action, suspense, intriguing women, and mild violence -- were never portrayed as being gratuitous, so Bond was never off limits once I reached a particular age (somewhere between 8 and 10 most likely). That institution was Roger Moore. He was James Bond. If you were a boy growing up in the 70s and 80s that watched James Bond movies, then Roger Moore was your Bond. Sean Connery was also an institution, he just wasn't mine at that impressionable age. He was much more relevant to me when I was in high school and the ad