Day 35: The Most Surprising Plot Twist Or Ending

MEMENTO (2000)

One of the most brilliantly conceived original ideas I've ever seen put on film, it blew me away when it reached its final frames. It's not so much a plot twist as it is a surprise ending. The main character Leonard (someone who we've gained sympathy for throughout the film) reveals at the end [SPOILERS!!] that he's not being proactive with his memory loss but reactive in order help him feel justification for the loss of his wife (or at least that's what were to assume).

Once we arrive at the end, we're not sure what to think and we discover that Leonard has created a victim in himself--changing the facts--so he serves a purpose (even if it is slanted). An amazing film by an amazing writer/director that's changed the face of the modern blockbuster in the past decade by treating the audience like they have a brain (and we're all that much more thankful to him for it).

"Memory can change the shape of a room; it can change the color of a car. And memories can be distorted. They're just an interpretation, they're not a record, and they're irrelevant if you have the facts."


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