Day 29: The Movie That Was Your Biggest Disappointment


Since someone else picked Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and I really wasn't too keen on slamming Indiana Jones (even if it was horrible), thankfully I don't have to in this post. To say that I was jaded after watching Reloaded is a severe understatement. I really tried to like this movie, but even after seeing it at midnight in the theaters, and then picking it a part on DVD, I really started to dislike this movie. It really didn't live up to its predecessor.

I thought maybe they'll make up for it and Revolutions will be better. I was so hesitant that I didn't even see it in theaters. Thank goodness for that, cause it was worse than Reloaded. Way to go and ruin a brilliant concept, Wachowski Bros. Thank God that the first film wasn't tainted by it's lackluster and extremely disappointing sequels. It just goes to show you that it's really easy to screw up a trilogy (or a franchise).

My advice to filmmakers out there is: don't rush into making 2 & 3 back-to-back, cause sometimes you don't have time to scrutinize your own work to make it better. You're so caught up in capturing everything that quality can go down the toilet. Yes, some films were shot all together and were brilliant (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy) but this one was seriously lacking... everything.


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