Day 27: A Movie That Makes You Puke

GHOST (1990)

I figured that everyone else was going in the direction of gross-out and to be completely honest, I've never had a huge issue with gore. The only thing I used to have issues with was the disembowelment of people in Romero's Dead pictures, but I got over that a couple of years ago. Instead I went in a different direction.

First I was going to choose Twilight, but since I still haven’t seen it, I can’t very well state that it makes me puke. The thought of having to watch it makes me want to throw up in my mouth, but that’s not today’s selection. Then I thought about Godzilla (1998) …or practically everything else Roland Emmerich has directed.

So… I chose Ghost instead due to its vomit-inducing pottery scene, or the cheesy/corny dialog spouted throughout this film. I’m surprised that it won the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, but to be completely honest, I haven’t seen the other four films that were nominated that year, so I really don’t have a point of reference either.


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