Day 28: Your Favorite Movie Trilogy Or Franchise


How could I NOT pick this as my favorite movie trilogy? It's been with me since I was a wee one and I still become child-like whenever I watch these three films. Unfortunately, every child born in the last decade or so wants to refer to them as "Star Wars Episode ---", which completely destroyed all credibility with the original three ever since the release of Episode I in 1999. Thankfully, with selective memory, I can almost forget about the prequels... almost.

Also, almost every trilogy or franchise falls off the mark with one of its films, and it almost happened here with Return of the Jedi. You could see the children's marketing wheels turning in Lucas' head throughout the entire Ewok sequences. It's still enjoyable, even though half the movie is ruined with teddy bears, but this trilogy is still my favorite and probably always will be. Star Wars changed the cinematic world and flipped it on its head... even if Lucas stole all of his ideas and turned them into his own.

A quote from an article aptly puts that last comment in its rightful place:

"Bluntly put, if Lucas had been hit by a car the day after he finished American Graffiti and Star Wars had never been made, the cultural and cinematic world we live in would be vastly different, so much so that it's a little hard to imagine what it would be like. Would it be better or worse? That's a matter of personal taste. But it's a simple fact that Star Wars changed the world." - John Scalzi

"This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi, it will soon see the end of the Rebellion."


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