Day 14: A Movie That Best Describes You


This was very hard to pick. I've never been asked to pick a movie that describes me, let alone define me. At first I was going to pick Dirty Harry, but I'm no so sure how that would have gone over in the end.

I may not be as charming as Jack Lemmon, have witty dialog to speak written by Billy Wilder & I.A.L. Diamond, or lend out my apartment to executives in order to move up the company ladder, but this film is so very much me. I'm the nice guy, who sometimes is taken advantage of, and who finally won the heart of a beautiful and wonderful woman who had been walked over by men in the past. In that specific way, this film totally describes me (although I haven't been daring enough to strain spaghetti with a tennis racket... yet).

"Ya know, I used to live like Robinson Crusoe; I mean, shipwrecked among 8 million people. And then one day I saw a footprint in the sand, and there you were."


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