Day 13: A Movie That No One Would Expect You To Love


This film is the perfect example of DAY 13's selection. Everyone knows that I love Clint Eastwood, but most don't know about this. While some find the film incredibly boring and/or slow (and others just can't stand it for its romance or infidelity -- which normally isn't my cup of tea), I find the film extremely touching.

Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood are superb and the film is filled with beautifully crafted quiet scenes of revelation building up to conflicting emotions by the finale. It's not what anyone would expect me to love, including my wife, who could care less about this film. Eastwood's master hand directs this film with just the right amount of tenderness. So sue me if I get sappy every once in a while. It doesn't happen very often, I assure you. Enjoy it while you can!


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