30 Day Movie Challenge, Part III
A little over two years ago, a few friends and I embarked on a little known journey called The 30 Day Movie Challenge . Every day we'd post a new photo (or video) on Facebook highlighting a favorite film dedicated to that day and embrace our inner movie geek. When the challenge started to draw to a close, we still wanted more. With only a few days remaining, we quickly cobbled together 30 more days; 30 more categories in which we would celebrate our love of film and sharing with each other the silly surprises each of us would post. In all honesty, I couldn't wait to get up in the morning, access my list where I had quickly jotted down each day and the corresponding movie that went with it. It was a joyous occasion, even if it was rater trite and mostly meaningless. But we had fun, damn it! So, a couple of weeks ago, I had the crazy notion to try and compile a third list. Arrange more sub-genres. Collect additional movie subjects. Consolidate years into decades. This list co