Day 46: A Movie That Had The Worst Book Adaptation


I'm not going to sit here and nitpick this movie because I honestly like the series. This was a hard category today, because I don't read a lot (I do read considerably more recreationally than I did when I was younger). When Lisa and I walked out of the theater after seeing this film I felt like the movie spent 2 1/2 hours running around in circles. For a movie this long there should have been more. They reduced and simplified the plot so much. It also had serious pacing issues.

That's when I was encouraged to read the books. I've read the series twice now in that time I still feel that they missed the mark with this adaptation. They left out so much, especially with Voldemort's history and back-story, and I didn't feel that the relationship struggles with Hermoine and Ron didn't need SO MUCH screen time. I don't dislike this movie per se, but as a faithful adaptation, it was seriously lacking.


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