Is It Silverado?

If there's one thing that my wife is good at, it's figuring out how to get under my skin (in a fun and teasing way).

A few years ago, soon after we were married, she started to ask me one specific question whenever I came into our bedroom at night, movie in hand, attempting to watch something before we fell asleep. I would say that the probability of her asking this question is at least a 75% chance. The odds are almost always in my favor.

I'm not exactly sure what spurred the question in the first place--that's something you'll have to ask her yourself--but the question almost always comes immediately after the appearance of the studio's logo, just before the opening credits.

"Is it Silverado?"

In fact, the image you see above is the exact image that is displayed before the opening credits of Silverado. She knows this (I think). I know this (absolutely). She knows that I know this. She also knows what a freak I can be at times regarding specific details pertaining to mundane and/or pointless trivia involving movies, especially movies that I love.

I believe the question might have started out as a legitimate query.  In fact, I'm almost certain it was.  However, those days have long since past, and at one time she would ask at random occasions; just enough to keep me guessing as to whether she was truly being serious.  She knows that I have the patience of a saint, and sometimes she uses it to her advantage.  Sometimes she uses it for her evil plans to take over the universe. Most of the time she uses it to get my goat (in the most fun and enjoyable way).

The irritation has long since past, but whenever this question is presented, I usually ignore it. It's usually followed by both of us snickering and laughing at how absurd and bizarre our sense of humor is and what it takes to get me to crack:
"Is it Silverado?"
"Baby, we're in the car listening to the radio. Seriously?"
This is then followed by copious amounts of laughter as we drive home in the rain.
It's just one of the million and a half things that I love about her, and why she's so precious to me.


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